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Hello, my name is Nathan Bowden, and I'm currently a level design student at SMU Guildhall working towards my Master's of Interactive Technology degree. I enjoy programming and scripting as well as 3D modeling.

  • After graduating college, I worked in the Oil and Gas industry for almost four years. It was a great job, but something was missing. I left to pursue my dream of working in the video game industry.

  • My favorite games include Minecraft, Ark: Survival EvolvedFinal Fantasy VII, Dark Souls, and Magic: The Gathering

  • After high school, I had the opportunity to play two exhibition games of football in Australia

  • In anticipation of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, I built several replica lightsabers using sink pipes, a dremel tool, and minor electronics work

  • In my free time I love reading comics and novels including Spider-Man, The Wheel of Time, and anything by Brandon Sanderson

Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. If you would like to see more of my work, please email me at

  • Minecraft (FTB Infinity Evolved Modpack)

  • Grim Dawn

  • Elite: Dangerous



Updated on March 4, 2016

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