Nathan Bowden
Level Designer

The third level in the game provides an increase in puzzle difficulty and teaches the player new skills. Through experimentation, the player can learn
guard avoidance skills
ways to trap them using portcullises
A new guard appears in the level that remains stationary but rotates left and right.
The level features alternate paths that provide varying gameplay and rewards the player for approaching the puzzles in different ways. This is the only way to obtain all of the collectibles.
Game: Robbin' Robin
Engine: Unity
Genre: Stealth Puzzle Game
Team Name: Bad Axes Studios
Team Size: 6 Developers
Role: Level Designer
Development Time: 2 Months
Work Schedule: 20 hours / week
Level 3

Puzzle design is a crucial part of Robbin’ Robin. Until this point, portcullises only barred Robin’s passage to an area. This puzzle demonstrated the player’s ability to use portcullises to block pigs from reaching certain areas.
The game teaches players this skill by placing a piece of food in a location that the player cannot reach without solving the puzzle.
Here the player must lure the pig away from the cake, and then lower the portcullis to block its return.

Overview Map

The initial version of level 3 held some interesting design ideas, but needed to be adjusted as the project changed. It originally included a "teleport door" mechanic that had to be cut due to conveyance issues.

The final version of level 3 that appeared in the game.